Программа мероприятий
  • 09/11/2016 - 09:30 a.m. -01:30 p.m.   Memo
    Place: Ravezzi Room 1, South Hall


    Municipal waste management in urban areas: comparing international experiences in the perspective of circular economy

    Organized by: Utilitalia

    The tenth annual meeting to review progress in municipal waste management. In the last two years there have been compared experiences in main EU capitals like Berlin, Copenhagen, Lisbon, Madrid, Milan and Rome and best practices in medium sized towns like Lubljana, Munich, Florence, Boulogne and Parma obtaining a large favour of public and professionals. This year based on the success of past conferences, and within a perspective of circular economy, Utilitalia, the national association of public services of Water, Environment, Electricity and Gas, has decided to continue comparing experiences in urban areas coming from abroad and from associated companies. It will allow keeping on matching methodologies and results achieved in the urban framework, also in the light of different national contexts.

    Section Chair
    Alberto Ferro, Coordinator of Utilitalia Committee on 'MW Collection & Recycling"

    Draft program
    9:30 Opening speech and Presentation of the Conference, Alberto Ferro, Coordinator of Utilitalia Committee on 'MW Collection & Recycling'
    10:00 "Municipal Waste Management in Italy", Rosanna Laraia, Head of Waste Unit, ISPRA .National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research

    10:30 Presentation of municipal waste management experiences in some Italian and foreign urban areas

    •             Roberto Chico, Direcció de Neteja i Gestió de Residus, Ajuntament de Barcelona
    •             Fernando Leite, Administrador Delegado Lipor, Porto
    •             Gianfranco Grandaliano, Presidente AMIU Puglia, Bari
    •             Francesco Iacotucci, Presidente ASIA, Napoli
    •             Roberto Dolce, Presidente RAP, Palermo

    13:00 Conclusions, Filippo Brandolini, Vice President of Utilitalia

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